Publication Ethics
Duties Of Authors
- Have the responsibility of ensuring only new and original work is submitted. (do not contain plagiarism)
- Must not reproduce work that has been previously published in other journals.
- Must not submit any articles that are being reviewed or considered by the journal to other journals simultaneously.
- Are only allowed to publish their work elsewhere after receiving a formal rejection from the journal or if their request to withdraw their work is officially accepted by the journal.
- Must inform the Chief Editor or the publisher of any inaccuracy of data in their published work so that correction or retraction of article can be done.
- Should make significant contributions and be held accountable for any shortcoming in their work.
Duties Of Reviewers
- Must disclose any competing interest before agreeing to review a submission.
- Can refuse to review any submission due to a conflict of interest or inadequate knowledge.
- Review all submissions objectively, fairly and professionally.
- Reveal any ethical misconduct encountered while reviewing to the Chief Editor for further action.
- Should ensure the originality of a submission and be alert to any plagiarism and redundant publication.
- Must not discuss the content of the submission without permission.
- Adhere to the time allocated for the review process. Requests for extension to review the submission is at the discretion of the Chief Editor.
Duties Of Editorial Board Members
- Actively contribute to the development and the greater good of the journal.
- Act as ambassadors for the journal.
- Continuously support and promote the journal.
- Review any work assigned to them.
Duties Of Chief Editor
- Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on their intellectual merit.
- Ensure confidentiality of manuscripts and not disclose any information regarding manuscripts to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process.
- Has the responsibility to decide when and which articles are to be published.
- Actively seek the views of board members, reviewers and authors on how to improve/ increase the image and visibility of the journal.
- Give clear instructions to potential contributors on the submission process and what is expected of the authors.
- Ensure appropriate reviewers are selected/ identified for the reviewing process.