Comparison Of Physical Fitness Levels Of High School Futsal Extracurricular Students In Regency And Mojokerto City
Physical fitness is something that must belong to each person, because with a good physical body, someone will not feel tired when performing daily activities. With extracurricular activities can improve the quality of physical training, especially of students. In Mojokerto, the neighborhood and the city devoted to extracurricular futsal activities lag far behind other cities, in this case the study focused on fitness based on vo2max predictions of extracurricular futsal students. This study aimed to determine the MFT of students participating in extracurricular futsal activities at Mojokerto Regency, determine the MFT of students participating in extracurricular school futsal activities. The Mojokerto City course, determined a significant difference in the MFT of students participating in extracurricular futsal at Mojokerto Regency High School and Mojokerto City High School. The method used in this study is comparative using a comparative study design. Data collection technique using purposeful sampling. And analyze the data with statistical analysis. In this study, it was conducted at the high schools of Mojokerto Regency and City, each of the two. From the above results, it can be concluded that the VO2max ability of extracurricular futsal students using MFT shows that SMA Mojokerto Regency is better than SMA Mojokerto City.